Sight Word Flash Cards to print
Play dough:
Peep play dough:
Fluffy Slime:
Puffy Paint:
Cloud Dough:
Mix together 8 cups flour & 1 cup vegetable oil
Your child can practice writing his/her name, shapes, sight words and/or numbers.
Need: 5 Clear Containers; Primary Color Food Dye or Washable Watercolors; Paper Towels; Water
line up the 5 containers in a row and fill with water (put a little LESS water in the 2nd & 4th container); in the 1st container, squeeze in red dye; in the 3rd container, sqeeze in yellow dye; in the 5th or last container, squeeze in blue dye; roll up a paper towel and put an edge into each container (one edge in color water & the other edge in clear water); keep adding in the edges of paper towels until you have a crawling caterpillar; watch the colors CRAWL!
Need: Clean, empty jar (a peanut butter jar works great!); washable paint; dried beans; heavy paper
Cut paper to fit into the jar; Add a couple of drops of paint of to bottom of the jar (a couple of drops of each color you chose); drop a couple of handfuls of beans into the jar on top of the paint (enough to cover the bottom of jar); carefully put paper inside the jar so that it wraps around the sides; close lid tightly; shake jar (the fun part); carefully remove the paper from the jar and pick off any beans that may be stuck; allow to dry; if you used washable paint, you can rinse and reuse the beans.
8 cups of flour - 1 cup of oil - A few drops of your favorite food coloring
mix flour & oil really well in large mixing bowl - once smooth, add food coloring a little at a time until it's the color you want.
You can also use a muffin pan for less mess